Journal Papers
Wang, Shimin, Xiangyu Meng, Hongwei Zhang, and Frank L. Lewis. "Learning nonlinear dynamics in synchronization of knowledge-based leader-following networks."Automatica, vol.166, 111695, 2024.
Hang Yin; Shimin Wang; Ziqi Zhou, "Synchronverters With a Virtual Oscillator to Attenuate Power Oscillations", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, pp.1303 - 1310, Vol.12, No.2, 2024.
Lan Zhang, Martin Guay, Maobin Lu, Shimin Wang, "Completely Distributed State Estimation for Jointly Observable Uncertain Linear Systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Conditionally Accepted, 2024.
Lan Zhang, Martin Guay, Maobin Lu, Shimin Wang, "Distributed State Estimation for Discrete-Time Uncertain Linear Systems Over Jointly Connected Switching Networks," Automatica, Accepted as Regular Paper, 2024.
Kedi Xie, Martin Guay, Maobin Lu, Shimin Wang, Fang Chen, "Optimal Output Feedback Learning Control for Continuous-Time Linear Quadratic Regulation," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Conditionally accepted, 2024
Telema Harry, Martin Guay, Shimin Wang, "Adaptive Cooperative Output Regulation of General Directed Knowledge-Based Leader-Following Networks." IFAC-PapersOnLine.Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 8684-8689, 2023.
Shimin, Wang, and Jie Huang. "Cooperative output regulation of linear multi-agent systems subject to an uncertain leader system." International Journal of Control, 94(4):952-960, 2021.
Shimin Wang and Jie Huang, ''Adaptive Distributed Observer for an Uncertain Leader with an Unknown Output over Directed Acyclic Graphs '', International Journal of Control, 94(12): 3424-3432, 2021.
2020 Before
ZHANG, Y., Dan, W.A.N.G., Zhouhua, P.E.N.G., Lu, L.I.U. and Shimin, W.A.N.G., "Event-triggered control for containment maneuvering of second-order MIMO multi-agent systems with unmatched uncertainties and disturbances. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 33(11): 2959-2971, 2020.
Deng, M., Meng, T., Cao, J., Wang, S., Zhang, J., & Fan, H. "Heart sound classification based on improved MFCC features and convolutional recurrent neural networks". Neural Networks, 130, 22-32, 2020.
Conference Papers
Shimin Wang and Martin Guay, Extremum Seeking Regulator for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Control Direction, American Control Conference 2023, May 30-June 2, San Diego, CA, USA, 2023 (Supported by 2023 Post-Doctoral Fellows Travel Award, Queen’s University). [Presentation Slides] [ Open with Adobe]
Shimin, Wang, and Jie Huang. "Adaptive Distributed Observer for an Uncertain Leader over Directed Acyclic Graphs." International Symposium on Neural Networks. Springer, Cham, 2019. [Presentation Slides] [ Open with Adobe]
Shimin, Wang, and Jie Huang. "Cooperative Output Regulation of Linear Multi-Agent Systems subject to an Uncertain Leader System." 2018 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA). IEEE, 2018 ( Best Conference Paper ). [Presentation Slides] [ Open with Adobe]
Shimin Wang and Bu Changjiang, ''Some results about group inverse of matrix'', Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Matrix Theory and its Applications, Vol 13 pp.158-161, 2010, Shanghai China.
Ph.D. Thesis
Two problems in cooperative control of complex multi-agent systems [Presentation Slides] [ Open with Adobe]
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Jul. 2019. Supervisor: Prof. Jie Huang.
Wang, Shimin. Two Problems in Cooperative Control of Complex Multi-agent Systems. Diss. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong), 2019.
M.Eng. Thesis
Research on Consensus Theory of Multi Dynamic Positioning Vessels
Harbin Engineering University, Mar. 2014. Supervisor: Prof. Mingyu Fu.
B.Sci. Thesis
Some Block Matrix Group Inverses of Representation and Its Application in Linear System
Harbin Engineering University, Jul. 2011. Supervisor: Prof. Changjiang Bu.